in place of the unfolding (2010)

Video installation with stereo sound

Photography, sound, and programming by Butch Rovan
Movement by Ami Shulman
B/W high-speed video (4:3), stereo sound, 5'34"

Click on the image below to play the video.



2010 Brown Faculty Show, Bell Gallery, Providence, December — February, 2011.

Program note

A single high-speed shot of dancer Ami Shulman is unfolded at multiple velocities and through multiple perspectives. An accompanying score explores the sounds of performance and the physicality of the moving body. Rapid cutting between sections of the same footage offers the viewer two distinct experiences of the passage of time. The sometimes violent juxtapositions create a sensation of being pulled between two simultaneous time domains: like parallel universes refracted from the same continuous duration. In this piece, designed for continuous playback in a gallery space, the two domains are destined to remain irresolvable and unresolved.

This installation was first shown at the David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, in November 2010. It forms part of my ongoing project Studies in Movement.